Teen Leadership Amarillo & Canyon (TLAC) is accepting applications. Because of our generous corporate sponsors, our teen program is no charge.
Email Application to: Lisa@leadershipamarillo.org
Mandatory Parent Meeting
Location will be provided to students
No cost to the student upon acceptance into the Teen Leadership Class

Teen Leadership Amarillo & Canyon (TLAC) is a program of LAC a “not for profit” 501 (c) (3) leadership training organization. TLAC is dedicated to strengthening the local community by enhancing junior and senior high school students’ skills to better enable them to become future civic, corporate, and political leaders.
Through TLAC, students can realize their capacity to effect positive change in our community. They also discover common interests and goals while learning to appreciate diverse personalities, talents and values. West Texas A&M University college trainers facilitate sessions, along with hands-on activities and field trips to area businesses and service organizations.